Reverse Advent Calender
Hello There, Friend.
I've stumbled upon an idea recently that has spoke volumes to me. A Reverse Advent Calendar!
For most Advent is an exciting time of year leading up to Christmas. Fun events and activities are being planned. Some will be counting down to Christmas with a special treat opened each day from Dec 1-25th. But... what if you were on the less fortunate side of life? What if it was not such a joyous time of year for you? What if you were instead carrying a lot of stress wondering where your next meal was coming from? Not so Joyful, right?
The Reverse Advent is a wonderful way for your family to help make a difference in someone's life during the holidays. A way you can help alleviate a little of that stress and bring some much needed joy & happiness to others during the 'Season of giving'.
Be Someone's Holiday Angel
Food Banks are an important resource in our communities all year long. They are there to help support an unfortunate number of people who rely upon them to help feed their Families day to day. The struggle is real! So many families are struggling just to get by. It honestly breaks my heart!
The idea behind the Reverse Advent Calendar is so simple. Share your blessings! Grab a sturdy box, basket, bags. etc... and fill them with donations for your local Food Bank. Each day in December (Though I believe each day in November would be wonderful as well. I'm sure early donations are very much appreciated to prep for Christmas.) add one item to the collection. When you've reached the end of the month, take your collection to your local Food Bank of choice and donate it. In doing so you will have helped a family in your community meet a basic need.
The reverse advent calendar encourages us to think of others during the holidays. The 'Season of giving'. Perhaps it will also encourage an ongoing desire to share your blessings and help those who need it most in your communities all year long.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi
- soup and stew
- canned meat and fish
- canned vegetables and fruit
- pasta and rice
- pasta sauce
- peanut butter
- cereal
- fresh or frozen vegetables and meat
- formula and baby food
- powdered and canned milk
- Deodorant
- Body wash
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Bars of soap
- Razors
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Diapers
- Baby wipes
- Toilet paper
- Laundry detergent
To avoid waste, please don't donate:
- Items past their expiry date (i.e. infant formula; baby food; and meal replacements, such as Ensure and BOOST)
- Vitamins and over-the-counter medications
- Food prepared in a home environment like personally wrapped meats, baked goods, preserves, or casseroles
- Prepared foods that haven't been made in a professional kitchen
- Opened food items, or food not in its original container or packaging
- Alcohol (including the 0.5% alcohol) and energy drinks
"We can't help everyone. But everyone can help someone."
-Ronald Regan
-Ronald Regan
If helping others during the Holiday season speaks to you, but completing a Reverse Advent Calendar does not... there are many other ways you can consider helping out. For example; If your local grocery store has a food drive running, consider picking up an extra item or two while shopping to drop in the donation box on your way out the door. So simple, but so impactful. Or, check around to see how you may adopt a local family for Christmas. You can supply your adopted family with the things needed to make their holiday extra special.
The possibilities for helping others this time of year is truly endless. All you need is a desire to share your blessings to help those who need it most. If you personally don't have the extra funds to financially help out... consider donating your time to help out your local Food Bank. A donation of your time is always priceless!
Make a difference
Spread the love 💗
Every little bit helps!
I'd love to hear how you share your blessings and help others this time of year. Be sure to leave a comment below letting me know.
As always
Much Love,
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