My Favourite Things {December 2018}

Hello There, Friends.

I'm a little late.... but Happy New Year!!!

Wow! Can you believe that we've rung in another new year? I certainly can't! 2019... Wow!

It's was a lovely holiday season for us. We spent some time with family, friends, and of course... to soothe my introverted soul... I spent some time at home, alone - comfy, cozy, and content in my own little world!

All my proud introverts raise your hands!!! ✋

With a new year (And month) comes a new list of my Favourite things. It's a simple list of the things that have brought me happiness through the month of December.

Are you ready? Let's jump right in...

"These are a few of my Favourite things..." 


These little gems (Ignore the Orange in the photo) are an absolute must-have for me during the holiday season. Through the month of December, I consume a ridiculous amount of them. One would think all the Vitamin C would have helped keep me from getting sick so much, but it didn't, dang it! However... they are so delicious and I've very much enjoyed having them available all month long. Yum! 

While I'm at it here... Let's just give a little attention to the Tupperware Citrus peeler in the photo as well. That little bugger is fab-u-lous! And for me... a must have to go with my Clementines!

Halifax Public Libraries

 Image Credit: Screenshots from Halifax Public Libraries
I can not say enough good things about our local libraries. I've been a huge fan of the Halifax Public Libraries for as long as I can remember. When my son was little we practically lived at the library, taking advantage of all the fun activities they, at that time, offered for Children/families. It's now many years later... and they've truly only gotten better. The resources available to the public is truly amazing in my opinion.

Personally, I've been taking advantage of the digital side of the library offerings these days. True, there are times that digital cannot replace the feeling of browsing the bookshelves or holding a real hard copy of a book. But... the digital option is very convenient to keep you supplied with endless amounts of content if you're unable to make it into a physical library.

In no particular order; My personal favourites through our library lately have been:

Cloud Cookbooks - For browsing cookbooks in search of new recipe ideas.
Libby - For borrowing E-books & Audiobooks.
Hoopla - For borrowing E-books, Audiobooks, and Movies.
RBDigital Magazines - For browsing through magazines.

If you are local to the Halifax Regional Municipality (Nova Scotia, Canada), I highly recommend getting yourself a library card and taking advantage of what they have to offer. No matter where you live though, I'm sure you have a wonderful local library that's just waiting for you to explore. What are you waiting for? Get out there and enjoy!

Faux Pearl Earrings

I've found myself rather interested in Earrings again this past little while. Last month while I was out shopping I noticed these cute little Faux Pearl Earrings at our local Lawtons and had to pick them up. They quickly became my go-to stud that I reached for each morning when choosing which earring to wear that day. I just found them to be simple and cute! They cost under $10, so they aren't anything fancy. But... if you know me; I'm happy with simple, being frugal, and am not in need of "fancy" anyhow. So for me... they are perfect!

Lindt Advent Calendar

C'mon! Let's be real here. Could I really have a December Favourites without adding our Lindt Advent Calendar to it? I don't think so! lol This little treasure offered a wonderfully delicious chocolate treat every morning from December 1st, through December 24th. It was great! A wonderful tradition in our home each December that we never seem to get tired of!

Tree Ornament 2018

Last, but definitely not least is the ornament I had custom made by a wonderful local crafter. Each Christmas I try to get one memory ornament representing something significant that happened during our year. This year's memory of choice was our Family Vacation to Ontario where many amazing, treasured memories were made. I've very much enjoyed seeing this beautiful memory ornament on our tree through the month of December. Now that i'll be packing Christmas away shortly... it does make this girl just a little bit sad! But, I am very much looking forward to 2019... and can't wait to see which memory makes the cut for our tree next year!

Well, that's it for my December's Favourites. Be sure to let me know in the comments below some of the things you've been loving lately! And, if interested you can find blog posts about my previous Favourites here.

As Always.
Much Love, 

 Disclaimer: I may have linked different websites for you to check out my favourite things. But, I am currently in no way affiliated with them and did not receive any sort of compensation for this post.


  1. I'm glad you had a great time through the holidays, though its unfortunate you got sick.
    I've yet to try Libby but I've used Overdrive to read eBooks. I too love going to the library, though in QC there are little to no online resources compared to where I lived in AB where they had all the ones you mentioned and more.
    Lately I've been loving cookies, lots of cookies and like always books.
    Happy New Year and I hope you feel better
    Loren | Plaid & Sugar

    1. Thanks, Loren! :)

      I actually started with using Overdrive, then moved into using Libby; which I've been liking. It's a shame that QC lacks in the resources that other provinces have though.

      Those are two great things to be loving. I've been a bit of a cookie monster as well lately. lol

      Happy New Year!


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