I'm Dreaming Of A Local Christmas

Hello There, Friend.

I'm curious? How many of you make the effort to spend your hard earned money locally throughout the year? I'm betting not near enough of you are raising your hands right now. If you are raising your hand... high five! That's awesome!!

Shopping locally is one of the best ways that you can support your community and the people in it. The Artists, Crafters, Farmers, Photographers, Writers, Designers, Musicians, The Self Employed!

If you're not already a supporter of shopping locally, I encourage you to open your mind to the possibility. And what better time of year to do so than at Christmas?!? 

It takes YOU to start a trend 
Shop Small ~ Shop Local ~ Eat Local ~ Spend Local

Most of us are already thinking about what that perfect gift for our loved ones is going to be this year. Why not put a little extra thought into getting something that's been made with love... locally... in your own community?!?

 "You can't buy happiness. But you can buy local and that's kind of the same thing."


Hard Earned Money Stays Local Longer
It's safe to say that if you shop local you will be supporting a small business who also recognizes the value of shopping within their community. Chances are that those you choose to shop from will most likely turn around and put money from their sales back into the community, therefore keeping your hard earned dollars local much longer. 

Excellent Customer Service

When shopping locally I'm willing to bet that you will receive excellent customer service. Each of the local business' that you shop from have their reputation on the line. With every interaction they want their customers to have a positive experience so that they will go forth and share this with their friends. This, of course, generates possible future business. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool. They, I'm sure, will be looking to use such tool wisely. 


When shopping local you will be getting a hand made item of quality. The people running small business' want a product they can stand behind. A product they believe in. A product that will keep customers happy, that they'll want to share with their friends and hopefully keep them returning.

You Are A Somebody

To big box stores you are just another head in the crowd. Nobody is going to know you by name. Nobody is going to want to have a meaningful conversation with you about the products. Big box stores are interested in one thing... your wallet! Small business' though... are interested in YOU! You are after all the heart of their success. You are not only supporting the person to whom you are speaking, you are supporting their families. Your money goes directly into paying their bills, putting food on the table, putting their kids through school, etc. It's personal! To small business' you are so important. 

You're Supporting Dreams

When shopping local you are supporting dreams. You are supporting someone who was brave enough to take a chance and make a wholehearted leap into doing something they love. That's so precious! More people should chase their dreams, do what they love, and have people around them supporting that.

This makes you want to get out into your community seeking out local treasures, right?

Your mission this Christmas, should you choose to accept it... 

Take the Support Local Pledge!
Support Local ~ Shop Local ~ Eat Local ~ Donate Local ~ Volunteer Local

You can make a huge difference in the lives of those within your community. Let me know in the comments below if you're going to be seeking out local goodies in an effort to Shop Local this Christmas! Remember... every little bit counts!

As Always

Much Love, 


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