Seaside Sunsets

Hello There, Friend.

Ever wake up in the morning instantly knowing that you're going to have a rough day? Recently... I had one of those days!

On this day I found myself with a headache as soon as I opened my eyes. It was also like 1000 degrees in my apartment thanks to the wonderful Nova Scotia Heat Wave of 2018! Great, right? Not!!

As the day progressed I went on to be somewhat productive, thankfully. But with this heatwave and feeling overall icky all day... by evening I needed a time out in one of my happy places. So... I headed for the Ocean. 

My Oceanside paradise of choice was Hebridean Park. It's a quiet little spot tucked away in the picturesque village of Herring Cove, just outside of Halifax. It's the perfect spot to sit and have a moment of quiet while taking in some pretty beautiful surroundings.

As I sat there at the park, taking in my surroundings; A family spending time on the wharf, a pilot boat sailing by honking it's horn for the Children that were playing, the waves crashing along the shore, the locals heard in the distance enjoying a beautiful Summer evening. It was very clear to me that this was exactly what I needed. And the best part? Raindrops started to fall. RAIN! Halifax has been in such a crazy heat wave, and had at this point been severely lacking in the rain department... so this was an absolute delight. I stood there taking in the feeling of every drop as it fell upon me. It was so refreshing! There are truly no words to express how happy it made me. Though short-lived, it was a perfect rain shower, if only for those few moments. 

Sometimes, you know, we just need to stop. We need to get outside for some fresh air, sit, and just be. We need to take time to reflect on all the good things that are in our lives while enjoying the simple beauty that surrounds us. It's so easy for us to focus on the bad, especially during our rough days. But on our rough days is when we really need to make sure that we stop to mindfully reset our thought process. We need to make sure we're not dwelling on the negatives, are always thankful for what we have and acknowledge all the good that exists in our lives. Positive Mind. Positive Vibes. Positive Life. Right?!?

As I continued to sit there, a few people came and went. A cruise ship passed by the little cove leaving what I can only assume was a fun-filled day docked in at Halifax Harbour. The locals were still heard off in the distance laughing and enjoying their Summer evening. A Seagull peacefully stood there on a rock, and at times floated around in the water. This bird seemed so carefree, I was almost jealous. lol, The therapeutic value of the time I spent just sitting there quietly by myself was priceless

A little time had passed. The sun began to set as the evening hours crept in. I couldn't help but wonder; Just how frowned upon would it be to bring a sleeping bag and curl up right there on the wharf? lol How amazing would your night of sleep be falling asleep under the stars, whilst listening to the waves crash along the shore? Bucket list goals right there! 😉

A seaside visit to one of my favorite little Oceanside parks is what I used to help refocus my mindset after having a rough day. Where is your 'happy place?  What helps you refocus after a rough day? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

As Always,

Much Love, 


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