For The Love Of Vlogmas

Hello There, Friends.

Many of you may be familiar with Vlogmas. But, for those of you who may not be; Vlogmas is an annual tradition during the month of December for the YouTube Community. It's actually quite similar to that of Blogmas for our Blogging community.

YouTube Vloggers that choose to participate in Vlogmas post one video on their channel each day beginning on December 1st, and continue to do so up until December 25th!

I personally only discovered the wonderful world of Vlogmas a few years back... but I'm so glad that I did. Each year I now look forward to watching the fun Christmasy adventures that many YouTubers get up to during the holidays.

So... of course, since I enjoy Vlogmas so much, I thought maybe you would too! Therefore, I thought I'd share with you the channels who are producing the Vlogmas' that I'm following along with this year. Some are old faves, some are newly discovered channels, all are great.

Are you ready? Because here comes my 2018 Vlogmas favorites!

"It's the most wonderful time... of the year!"


Zoe Sugg
Zoe Sugg, who posts Vlogmas videos over on her More Zoella channel has definitely been one of my favorite Vlogmas' for the past few years. Her Vlogmas intro is without a doubt my favorite. She's got all the Christmas feels going on and I just love it!

Then, you have Zoe's boyfriend, Alfie over on PointlessBlogVlogs. Watching Alfie's Vlogmas videos offers a different perspective on the same adventures at times, but there are also the adventures he gets up to without Zoe that will keep you entertained. And... because they both have a somewhat different vlogging style, it's not overly repetitive if you're watching both.

Mark Ferris
There's also Zoe and Alfie's friend Mark who's been vlogging daily for Vlogmas this year. I've watched Mark's channel off and on this past year and definitely look forward to seeing what he comes up with every day for Vlogmas this month. Mark appears to be a little nervous about posting daily for Vlogmas though... so everyone should definitely show him a lil' love!

Bits of Paradis
Bits of Paradis is one of my favorite channels all year long. They're such a wonderful lil' family. Though her Vlogmas videos are on the short side in comparison to most... I love that Brittany is participating in Vlogmas this year. I've certainly been enjoying the Christmassy bits that she's been sharing each day thus far.

Bringing Up the Bacas
This is a channel that I've just recently discovered. They seem like such a fun loving family from what I've seen so far, and I can't wait to see all the Christmas fun their family gets up to during the month of December for vlogmas!

Brianna K
Another recently discovered channel is from Brianna K. Their family seems sweet, so it didn't take long for me to become interested in watching. I can't wait to see what kinds of Christmassy fun they get up to during December for Vlogmas as well.

UPDATE*** {Dec 18th, 2018}
Over the past week, or so, I've added in the following channels to my Vlogmas watching fun this month! I definitely recommend giving these YouTube channels some attention as well. They put out some pretty great family friendly content that I'm sure you'll enjoy!

Well, folks... those are the YouTube channels with the Vlogmas' that I'll be curling up to watch during the month of December. Of course... with a cozy blanket and a warm drink in hand! Really. Is there any other way?!?

I'd love to know... will you be watching Vlogmas' too? Be sure to let me know who your favorites are in the comments below!

As Always.

Much Love,


  1. Definitely will check them out! Thanks Kat!
    -Morgan (Mommyaboveall)


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